Welcome to the GEOS 120, Weather, webpage for the Spring 2016 semester.
This page will be updated every few days as the course progresses...
Spring 2016 Lectures: MWF, 12:00 - 12:50 PM. Location: Physical Science Building 202
Office hours: MW, 3:00 - 4:00 PM or by appointment. (Please e-mail me to let me know that you are coming.)
Click here for a PDF of the Syllabus.
Mon., 25, Jan., Course description and begin Chapter 1.
Weds., 27, Jan., Continue Chapter 1.
Fri., 29, Jan., Begin Chapter 2: Energy and the atmosphere
Mon., 1, Feb., Quiz #1. Lecture: Chapter 2.
Weds., 3, Feb., Lecture: Continue Chapter 2.
Fri., 5, Feb., Homework #1 due today. Lecture: Finish Chapter 2.
Mon., 8, Feb., Quiz #2 on Chapter 2. Begin Chapter 3: Seasons and Daily Temperatures.
Weds., 10, Feb., Conclude Chapter 3. Begin Chapter 4: Atmospheric humidity.
Fri., 12, Feb., Homework #2 on Chapter 3 due today.
Mon., 15, Feb., Quiz #3 on Chapter 3.
Weds., 17, Feb., Quiz #4 on Chapter 4.
Fri., 19, Feb., No adding or dropping after this date without Chair's and Dean's approval.
Mon., 22, Feb., Exam #1 on Chapters 1-4.
Weds., 24, Feb., Lecture: complete Chapter 5 and begin Chapter 6: Stability and cloud development. Absolute stability.
Fri., 26, Feb., Lecture: Chapter 6
Mon., 29, Feb., Lecture: Chapter 6
Weds., 2, Mar., Lecture: complete Chapter 6.
Fri., 4, Mar., Lecture: begin Chapter 7: Precipitation
Mon., 7, Mar., Quiz #5 (mostly on stability.) Continue Chapter 7.
Weds., 9, Mar., Complete Chapter 7; Begin Chapter 8: Air pressure and wind.
Fri., 11, Mar.,
Mon., 14, Mar., Spring break. No classes.
Weds., 16, Mar., Spring break. No classes.
Fri., 18, Mar., Spring break. No classes.
Mon., 21, Mar., Chapter 8.
Weds., 23, Mar., Conclude Chapter 8. Begin Chapter 9: local and small scale wind
Fri., 25, Mar., Quiz #6 on Chapter 8. Lecture: Chapter 9.
Mon., 28, Mar.,Chapter 9: wind vectors,
Weds., 30, Mar., No class. Do special assignment.
Fri., 1, Apr., Exam #2 (Chapters 5-8)
Mon., 4, Apr., Class canceled.
Weds., 6, Apr., Continue Chapter 9.
Fri., 8, Apr., Continue Chapter 9.
Mon., 11, Apr., Quiz #7. Begin Chapter 10: Global wind systems. Today: air-sea interaction
Weds., 13, Apr., Chapter 10: single and three cell global circulation models; semi-permanent highs and lows
Fri., 15, Apr., Complete Chapter 10 on global circulations and begin chapter 11 on airmasses and fronts
Mon., 18, Apr., Complete Chapter 11 on Airmasses and fronts; Begin Chapter 12 on Mid-latitude cyclones
Weds., 20, Apr., Homework from Chapter 10 and 11 due.
Fri., 22, Apr., Quiz #8. Lecture on mid-latitude cyclones & vorticity
Mon., 25, Apr., Chapter 12 homework due. Lecture: Chapter 13 on Weather Forecasting
Weds., 27, Apr., Chapter 13 homework due. Lecture: Begin Chapter 14 on Thunderstorms
Fri., 29, Apr., Exam #3 (Chapters 9-13)
Mon., 2, May,
Weds., 4, May,
Fri., 6, May,
Mon., 9, May,
Weds., 11, May,
Fri., 13, May,
Mon.-Fri., 16 - 20, May, Final Exam week
Dr. Mayor's page
CSU Chico Atmospheric Lidar Research Group
This page updated 12/04/2015.