Welcome to the GEOS 490, Seminar in the Geosciences, webpage for the Fall 2014 semester.
Fall 2014 Lectures: MWF, 12:00 - 12:50 PM. Location: Physical Science Building room 128
Required Books:
Renewable Energy, 3rd Edition, Edited by Godfrey Boyle.
Eloquent Science, By Dr. David M. Schultz.
Student Speaker Schedule
Mon., 25 Aug., Introductions, review syllabus.
Wed., 27 Aug., Lecture: Definitions of energy, renewable energy, work, power, etc.
Fri., 29 Aug., First meeting in lab (PHSC 128). Components of research program in environmental science with possible applications in renewable energy.
Mon., 1 Sept., Labor Day. No classes.
Wed., 3 Sept., Discussion of motivations for renewable energy.
Fri., 5 Sept., Discussion of the Energy & Earth Resources degree option.
Last day to add or drop classes without special permission of instructor.
Mon., 8 Sept., Chapter 1: Introduction to Renewable Energy
Wed., 10 Sept., Complete Chapter 1.
Fri., 12 Sept., Begin Chapter 2: Solar thermal energy
Mon., 15 Sept., Continue Chapter 2: Solar thermal energy
Wed., 17 Sept., Complete Chapter 2: Solar thermal energy
Fri., 19 Sept., Census date: no adding or dropping or changing of grade option beyond this date without a serious or compelling reason approved by the instructor, chair, and dean.
Mon., 22 Sept., Begin Chapter 3: Solar photovoltaics
Wed., 24 Sept., Continue Chapter 3: Solar photovoltaics
Fri., 26 Sept., 3.11 - 3.13, Begin Chapter 4: Bioenergy (4.1 - 4.2)
Mon., 29 Sept., 4.3 - 4.5: Bioenergy
Wed., 1 Oct., 4.6, 4.8 - 4.9: Bioenergy
Fri., 3 Oct., Complete Chapter 4: Bioenergy
Mon., 6 Oct., Begin Chapter 5: Hydroelectricity (5.1 - 5.4)
Wed., 8 Oct., 5.5, 5.6, 5.7: Hydroelectricity
Fri., 10 Oct., 5.9, 5.10, and 5.12: Hydroelectricity
Mon., 13 Oct., 5.8, 6.1, 6.2: Begin Chapter 6: Tidal Power
Wed., 15 Oct., 5.11, 6.3 - 6.6: Tidal Power
Fri., 17 Oct., continue chapter 6: Tidal Power
Mon., 20 Oct., Begin chapter 7: Wind energy (7.1 - 7.2)
Wed., 22 Oct., 7.3 - 7.4: Wind energy
Fri., 24 Oct., 7.3 - 7.5: Wind energy
Mon., 27 Oct., 7.6, 7.7: Wind energy
Wed., 29 Oct., 7.5: Wind energy
Fri., 31 Oct., 7.8 - 7.10. Complete Chapter 7: Wind energy
Mon., 3 Nov., Begin Chapter 8: Wave energy, 8.1-8.5
Wed., 5 Nov., 8.5: Wave energy
Fri., 7 Nov., Conclude Chapter 8: Wave energy.
Mon., 10 Nov., Chapter 9: Geothermal energy
Wed., 12 Nov., Geothermal energy
Fri., 14 Nov., Geothermal energy
Mon., 17 Nov., Begin Chapter 10: Integrating renewable energy
Wed., 19 Nov., 10.4, 10.5, 10.6: Integrating renewable energy
Fri., 21 Nov., 10.7, 10.9, 10.10b: Integrating renewable energy
Mon., 24 Nov., Thanksgiving holiday. No classes.
Wed., 26 Nov., Thanksgiving holiday. No classes.
Fri., 28 Nov., Thanksgiving holiday. No classes.
Mon., 1 Dec., Finish Chapter 10 (finish the book!); Presentation on David's thesis research.
Wed., 3 Dec., Guest Speaker: Mr. Paul Sullivan, Alternative Energy Systems, Inc.
Fri., 5 Dec., Student final presentations: Shea (The Solutions Project); Sofia (microbial fuel cell)
Mon., 8 Dec., Student final presentations: David (AMBRI); Matt (BAT)
Wed., 10 Dec., Student final presentations: Kevin (Makani); Clarisse
Fri., 12 Dec., Student final presentations: Shayla; Collin; Eric
Mon., 15 - 19 Dec.: Finals week (also AGU meeting in San Francisco)
Dr. Mayor's page
CSU Chico Atmospheric Lidar Research Group