Physics 427

Dr. Ayars

Heat Flow

The heat equation describes how heat flows through materials.

\frac{\partial u}{\partial t} - \alpha \nabla^2 u =  0

This experiment allows students to compare theoretical/computational models of this equation with actual measurements in either one-dimensional or two-dimensional systems. (Or both!)

The one-dimensional apparatus is easier to analyze by far: the very nice assembly we have was built by Shemu Ariyasivam and Lisa Pham in September 2016. The two-dimensional apparatus also (Built by Daniel Lund and Eric Ayars, 2012) works great, but the computational modelling for the 2D case is much more difficult. Which you do (or both) is up to you.

2D Heat Flow plate photo of 1D apparatus controller
1D Heat Flow pipe photo of 1D apparatus



Room 108, drawer 108.52.

Equipment needed


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