The College of Natural Sciences: STEM pedagogy Faculty Learning Community


Schedule Fall 2016

Updated: 5 October 2016
Date Details Presenter/Leader Location Files
08/29 STEM Pedagogy FLC: Introductions. Planning. Discussion David Brookes, Ben Van Dusen, Mandy Banet Colusa 100B N/A
09/12 STEM Pedagogy FLC: Learning Assistants and LASSO Ben Van Dusen Holt 155 Slides
09/19 DBER specialists: Introductions and research interests Ben Van Dusen SSC 490 N/A
09/26 STEM Pedagogy FLC: What do you want your students to be able to do? Designing assessment questions to measure student learning David Brookes Holt 155 Slides
10/03 DBER Specialists Ben Van Dusen SSC 490 N/A
10/10 STEM Pedagogy FLC: Reading and discussion: Freeman article on active learning and group discussion about challenges of facilitating active learning at CSU Chico David Brookes, Ben Van Dusen, Mandy Banet Holt 155 Article
10/17 DBER Specialists: Discussion of the NRC report: DISCIPLINE-BASED EDUCATION RESEARCH Understanding and Improving Learning in Undergraduate Science and Engineering. Pages 7 - 42. Special note: Even if you don't have time to do the reading, you should still come! Ben Van Dusen SSC 490 Article
10/24 STEM Pedagogy FLC: "Flipping the instructor: an advanced course in starting over" Erik Wasinger Holt 155 TBA
10/31 DBER Specialists: TBA Ben Van Dusen SSC 490 TBA
11/07 STEM Pedagogy FLC: Rachel will talk about practical classroom activities specifically targeted for active learning Rachel Teasdale Holt 155 TBA
11/14 DBER Specialists: TBA Ben Van Dusen SSC 490 TBA
11/28 STEM Pedagogy FLC: Lisa and Christine will help us think about designing experiments in education research Lisa Kendhammer, Christine Herrera TBA TBA
12/05 STEM Pedagogy FLC: Mandy will present Amanda Banet Holt 155 TBA