Ruchardt's Method of measuring Cp/Cv
In this lab you will reproduce Ruchardt's method of measuring the ratio of heat capacity of gas at constant pressure versus constant volume, by observing the oscillations of a mass supported on a volume of gas. This experiment is traditionally done with a precision steel ball oscillating in a ground-glass cylinder above the gas reservoir. This lab does it by a slightly easier method, using a ground-glass syringe.
The experiment works well, although some gasses are easier than others. It was redesigned January 2019 by Dr. Ayars, we now have 2 setups and 2 available syringe sizes. The redesign works even better than the original, and is easier to set up.
![Photograph of apparatus](../images/Ruchardt.png)
COVID Adaptations
- Wikipedia entry on the experiment.
- Any university-level physics textbook's section on heat capacity of gasses (i.e. Knight 4e, section 19.7)
- Lab handout for this experiment, by Eric Ayars.
- W. F. Koehler "A Laboratory Experiment on the Determination of gamma for Gases by Self-Sustained Oscillations"
- J. L. Hunt "Accurate experiment for measuring the ratio of specific heats of gases using an accelerometer"
Room 108E, cabinet 2, yellow bin. Older parts (original version) in the same cabinet in a blue bin.
Equipment needed
- Ground-glass syringe
- Coil and magnet or accelerometer with analog output
- Digital oscilloscope
- Source of different gasses (CO2, Argon, Sulfur Hexaflouride, water vapor, etc.)
- Fragile apparatus. The mating surfaces of the syringe are sensitive to fingerprints!