Physics 427

Dr. Ayars

Ruchardt's Method of measuring Cp/Cv

In this lab you will reproduce Ruchardt's method of measuring the ratio of heat capacity of gas at constant pressure versus constant volume, by observing the oscillations of a mass supported on a volume of gas. This experiment is traditionally done with a precision steel ball oscillating in a ground-glass cylinder above the gas reservoir. This lab does it by a slightly easier method, using a ground-glass syringe.

The experiment works well, although some gasses are easier than others. It was redesigned January 2019 by Dr. Ayars, we now have 2 setups and 2 available syringe sizes. The redesign works even better than the original, and is easier to set up.

Photograph of apparatus

COVID Adaptations



Room 108E, cabinet 2, yellow bin. Older parts (original version) in the same cabinet in a blue bin.

Equipment needed


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