Popluar Articles
There’s Lots of Physics To Do Now That Hawk-Eye Is Up and Running
- The Hardball Times March 16, 2020.
Physics in the On-Deck Circle
- The Hardball Times March 2, 2020.
The Physics of COR and Other Measures of Bounciness
- The Hardball Times February 5, 2020.
The Physics of the “Seamy” Side of Baseball
- The Hardball Times January 17, 2020.
Physics in the Atlantic League – or Not
- The Hardball Times December 3, 2019.
It’s Physics: Juiced Balls Don’t Explain the Home Run Explosion
- The Hardball Times November 7, 2019.
The Challenge of Explaining the Home Run Explosion
- The Hardball Times October 1, 2019.
The Physics of Identical Homers
- The Hardball Times September 5, 2019.
The Physics of Throwing a Ball Out of the Yard
- The Hardball Times August 1, 2019.
Some Physics of Losing a Fly Ball
- The Hardball Times July 8, 2019.
The Physics of Cheating Baseball's Humidors
- The Hardball Times June 3, 2019.
The Physics of Humidors: A Case Study at Chase Field
- The Hardball Times April 26, 2019.
The Physics of Debunkig the Amazing Batting Trick
- The Hardball Times April 2, 2019.
The Physics of Fungos
- The Hardball Times March 5, 2019.
Yasiel Puig, Physicist?
- The Hardball Times February 5, 2019.
The Physics of a Bad Hop
- The Hardball Times January 7, 2019.
The Physics of Being Hit by a Pitch
- The Hardball Times December 10, 2018.
The Physics of a Wobbling Fly Ball
- The Hardball Times November 12, 2018.
It's Physics - The Batter's Grip Doesn't Matter.
- The Hardball Times September 11, 2018.
The Physics of Monsta Shawts
- The Hardball Times August 17, 2018.
The Physics of Snapping a Bat Across Your Knee
- The Hardball Times July 26, 2018.
Some Physics of Ballpark Demolition
- The Hardball Times June 20, 2018.
The Physics of the MLB Report on Home Run Rates
- The Hardball Times June 5, 2018.
The Physics of Fielding Grounders
- The Hardball Times May 15, 2018.
The Physics of Bryce Harper's Broken Bat Blast
- The Hardball Times April 19, 2018.
The Physics of the Home Run Boom
- The Hardball Times April 6, 2018.
Some Physics of Humidors
- The Hardball Times March 9, 2018.
The Physics of the Rarified Air of Spring Training
- The Hardball Times February 20, 2018.
The Physics of Pitching Accuracy
- in The Hardball Times Baseball Annual 2018.
The Physics of RoboUmp
- The Hardball Times January 23, 2018.
The Physics of Carry at Dodger Stadium
- The Hardball Times January 3, 2018.
The Physics of the Gyro Pitch
- The Hardball Times December 1, 2017.
The Physics of Batting Practice
- The Hardball Times November 1, 2017.
The Physics of the Bat Flip
- The Hardball Times October 2, 2017.
The Physics of "Late Break"
- The Hardball Times September 1, 2017.
The Physics of a Rising Fastball
- The Hardball Times July 31, 2017.
The Physics of Aaron Judge
- Fangraphs June 19, 2017.
Light Up The Night
- The Hardball Times June 6, 2017.
The Physics of Choking Up
- The Hardball Times May 18, 2017.
The Physics In Two Players' Names
- The Hardball Times April 24, 2017.
Physics On The Flight To Spring Training
- The Hardball Times March 14, 2017.
The Physics of Coors Field's Higher Fence
- The Hardball Times February 3, 2017.
The Physics of Barreled Balls
- The Hardball Times January 17, 2017.
The Physics of the Force on Spinning Baseballs
- The Hardball Times December 12, 2016.
The Effect of the Marine Layer on Fly Balls
- with Chris Mitchell. The Hardball Times Baseball Annual 2017,
(Fangraphs & The Hardball Times, 2016), pp.227-234.
The Physics of Statcast Errors
- The Hardball Times November 17, 2016.
The Physics of October Baseball in Wrigley
- The Hardball Times October 3, 2016.
The Physics of Ballpark Statues
- The Hardball Times September 14, 2016.
The Physics of Hard Hit Balls
- The Hardball Times August 17, 2016.
The Physics of Beach Balls and Fastballs
- The Hardball Times August 3, 2016.
The Physics of Catchers' Knees
- The Hardball Times July 21, 2016.
The Physics of Three Great Catches
- The Hardball Times June 13, 2016.
The Physics of Ballpark Fare
- The Hardball Times May 17, 2016.
The Physics of the Cutoff: Part II
- The Hardball Times April 6, 2016.
The Crack-of-the-Bat
- The Hardball Times February 10, 2016.
The Physics of Broken Bat Homers
- The Hardball Times January 14, 2016.
The Physics of the Most Perfect Game
- The Hardball Times December 9, 2015.
The Physics of the Longest Possible Homer
- The Hardball Times Baseball Annual 2016,
(Fangraphs & The Hardball Times, 2015), pp.228-338.
The Physics of Which Way the Wind Blows
- The Hardball Times October 28, 2015.
The Physics of a Souvenir
- The Hardball Times October 16, 2015.
The Physics of Wind at the Remodeled Wrigley Field
- The Hardball Times September 16, 2015.
The Physics of the Dog Days of Summer
- The Hardball Times August 21, 2015.
The Physics of Sound at the Ballpark
- The Hardball Times August 17, 2015.
The Physics of Calling Pitches from Your Sofa
- The Hardball Times June 15, 2015.
The Physics of Radar Guns
- The Hardball Times May 12, 2015.
The Physics of Baseball in Super Slow Motion
- The Hardball Times April 21, 2015.
The Physics of Going From First to Third
- The Hardball Times March 4, 2015.
The Physics of Fielding
- The Hardball Times February 18, 2015.
The Physics of Base Stealing
- The Hardball Times January 5, 2015.
The Physics of Falling Baseballs
- The Hardball Times December 22, 2014.
The Physics of Pitching in the Wind
- The Hardball Times Baseball Annual 2015,
(Fangraphs & The Hardball Times, 2014), pp.338-347.
The Physics of the Wave
- The Hardball Times November 13, 2014.
The Physics of Pesky's Pole
- The Hardball Times October 22, 2014.
The Physics of Splash Hits
- The Hardball Times October 14, 2014.
The Physics of the Pop-up
- The Hardball Times September 26, 2014.
The Physics of Replay Reviews
- The Hardball Times September 4, 2014.
Lost in the Sun: The Physics of Ballpark Orientation
- The Hardball Times July 30, 2014.
The Physics of the Bunt
- The Hardball Times June 19, 2014.
The Physics of a Foul Down the Line
- The Hardball Times May 22, 2014.
The True Origins of Baseball (Scientifically Speaking)
- The Hardball Times May 8, 2014.
The Physics of the Cutoff
- The Hardball Times Apr. 1, 2014.
The Physics of the Curveball - A Short History
- The Hardball Times Mar. 3, 2014.
The Physics of the Pitcher's Padded Cap
- The Hardball Times Jan. 31, 2014.
It's Game Time
- The Hardball Times Jan. 26, 2014.
Taking a dive (into first base)
- The Hardball Times Dec. 30, 2013.
Why is a sinker "heavy?"
- The Hardball Times Dec. 3, 2013.
Peer Reviewed Papers
Statcast and the Baseball Trajectory Calculator
- The Physics Teacher Vol. 55, 134 (2017). Co-author Alan. M Nathan.
Simplified Models for the Drag Coefficient of a Pitched Baseball
- The Physics Teacher Vol. 52, 278 (2014). Co-author Alan. M Nathan.
Stolen Base Physics
- The Physics Teacher Vol. 51, 269 (2013).
Breaking Bat
- The Physics Teacher Vol. 51, 80 (2013).
The Vibrations in a Rubber Baseball Bat
- The Physics Teacher Vol. 49, 588 (2011).
Demonstration of the "Trampoline Effect" in
Aluminum Bats
- The Physics Teacher Vol. 49, 340 (2011).
A Very Inexpensive Magnus Force Demonstrator
- The Physics Teacher Vol. 48, 488 (2010).
What Is the Best Launch Angle To Hit a Home Run?
- The Physics Teacher Vol. 48, 250 (2010).
The Anatomy of a Pitch: Doing Physics with PITCHf/x
- The Physics Teacher Vol. 47, No. 7, 412 (2009).
Here is a collection of famous pitches to study.
The Coefficient of Restitution of Baseballs as a Function of Relative Humidity
- The Physics Teacher Vol. 42, No. 6, 330 (2004).
The Effects of Coefficient of Restitution Variations On Long Fly Balls
- The American Journal of Physics Vol. 58, 151 (1990).

> Publications
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